The Cornell Lab of Ornithology builds the eBird global platform for communities and partners around the world to advance data-driven science, education, and conservation.
eBirdek txorizale komunitateak hegaztiengan duen pasioa jaso eta transformatu egiten du, ikerketarako, kontserbaziorako eta hezkuntzarako baliabide baliotsu bilakatuz.
eBird-ek datu zientifiko osatuenak eskaintzen dizkizu, urtero eguneratzen direnak. Hegazti populazioak non agertzen diren eta denboran zehar nola aldatzen diren deskribatzen duten bereizmen handiko datuak, bistaratzeak eta erremintak eskaintzen dizkizu.
eBird-ek geroz eta garrantzi handiagoa du zientzian eta kontserbazioan. eBird datuak hainbat esparrutan dira erabilgarri, ikerketa eta jarraipenetik hasi eta espezieen kudeaketara, habitaten babesera eta erabilera legal eta politikoetara.
eBird Status and Trends products are updated annually with millions of new observations submitted by eBirders to provide the most up-to-date information on the status and trends of bird populations. This year, the team released new tools, added regional trends summaries, and made Trends data available for download.
Every year the eBird Status and Trends project updates the maps with millions of new observations submitted by eBirders. This year, the team modeled relative abundance for 868 additional species across the globe using data from 464,542 eBirders—bringing the total number of species with visualizations to 2,068.
A new, game-changing conservation tool from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology pinpoints bird abundance changes in unprecedented detail. eBirders help make this groundbreaking tool a reality.