When you submit a checklist to eBird, you make your observations available to the global community of researchers, educators, conservationists, birders, and anyone else with an interest in birds. These data are freely available for download here. Information on citing eBird resources is available here. This list of more than 1,180 publications highlights ways in which eBird data are being put to use. We would like this list of publications to be as inclusive as possible, so if you know of other publications that have made use of eBird please let us know.
Abdul-Wahab, C., J. S. Costa, F. D’Mello, and H. Häkkinen (2024) “Connected impacts: combining migration tracking data with species distribution models reveals the complex potential impacts of climate change on European bee-eaters.” Journal of Ornithology 165(4): 1063–1076.
Acarer, A. (2024) “Will cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus L.) become extinct in the forests of Türkiye in the future?” Šumarski list 148: 375–387.
Acevedo-Charry, O., and N. Gardner (2024) “Four more records of Rusty Tinamou Crypturellus brevirostris in Colombia and a revision of its known range.” Cotinga 46: 29–33.
Adamík, P., J. B. Wong, S. Hahn, and A. Krištín (2024) “Non-breeding sites, loop migration and flight activity patterns over the annual cycle in the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor from a north-western edge of its range.” Journal of Ornithology 165(1): 247–256.
Ahmadi, M., M. A. Nawaz, H. Asadi, M.-R. Hemami, M. Naderi, M. Shafapourtehrany, and F. Shabani (2024) “Protecting alpine biodiversity in the Middle East from climate change: Implications for high-elevation birds.” Diversity and Distributions 30(5): e13826.
Aldiansyah, S., and K. Abdul Wahid (2024) “Species Distribution Modelling Using Bioclimatic Variables on Critically Endangered Endemic Species (Macrocephalon Maleo) in Sulawesi.” ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development 41: 240–253.
Aldiansyah, S., Risna, and R. Saputra (2024) “Assessing Potential Distributions of Bird Endemic Species: Case Studies of Macrocephalon maleo and Rhyticeros cassidix and Their Threats.” Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 18: 45–61.
Amador-Cruz, F., B. Figueroa-Rangel, D. Jiménez-García, M. Mora-Ramírez, M. Olvera-Vargas, and M. Mendoza (2024) “The ecological value of Neotropical forest landscapes through a multicriteria approach employing spatial models.” Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 48(3): 323–342.
Arlé, E., T. M. Knight, M. Jiménez-Muñoz, D. Biancolini, J. Belmaker, and C. Meyer (2024) “The cumulative niche approach: A framework to assess the performance of ecological niche model projections.” Ecology and Evolution 14(2): e11060.
Aronsson, H., A. Zizka, A. Antonelli, and S. Faurby (2024) “Expert-based range maps cannot be replicated using data-driven methods but macroecological conclusions arising from them can.” Journal of Biogeography 51(8): 1549–1559.
Arrogante-Funes, F., I. Aguado, and E. Chuvieco (2024) “Global impacts of fire regimes on wildland bird diversity.” Fire Ecology 20(1): 25.
Athirah Fauzi, N., K. Munian, and N. Atiqah Norazlimi (2024) “Population trend of Lesser Adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus) in Muar, Johor using eBird data.” BIO Web Conf. 94.
Atsawawaranunt, K., A. Whibley, K. E. Cain, R. E. Major, and A. W. Santure (2024) “Projecting the current and potential future distribution of New Zealand’s invasive sturnids.” Biological Invasions 26(5): 1345–1366.
Backstrom, L. J., C. T. Callaghan, N. P. Leseberg, C. Sanderson, R. A. Fuller, and J. E. M. Watson (2024) “Assessing adequacy of citizen science datasets for biodiversity monitoring.” Ecology and Evolution 14(2): e10857.
Backstrom, L. J., C. T. Callaghan, H. Worthington, R. A. Fuller, and A. Johnston (2024) “Estimating sampling biases in citizen science datasets.” Ibis n/a(n/a).
Backstrom, L. J., N. P. Leseberg, C. T. Callaghan, C. Sanderson, Richard. A. Fuller, and J. E. M. Watson (2024) “Using citizen science to identify Australia’s least known birds and inform conservation action.” Emu – Austral Ornithology 124(2): 199–205.
Badis, M., C. Elverici, and N. Hamdi (2024) “Climate-driven range shifts of Levaillant’s Woodpecker Picus vaillantii in the Western Mediterranean.” Regional Environmental Change 24(1): 29.
Basso, E., C. Navarrete, A. Riquelme-Ortiz, C. Suárez, D. R. Barber, K. L. Bildstein, M. Graña Grilli, and S. A. Lambertucci (2024) “Central Chile comprises a previously unknown nonbreeding area for the migratory population of Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura ruficollis) breeding in the northwestern Argentine Patagonia.” Emu – Austral Ornithology 124(2): 206–210.
Bersson, E., and P. D. Hoff (2024) “Frequentist Prediction Sets for Species Abundance using Indirect Information.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society qnae096.
Binley, A. D., J. G. Vincent, T. Rytwinski, P. Soroye, and J. R. Bennett (2024) “Making the most of existing data in conservation research.” Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 22(2): 122–128.
Birău, A. C., A.-C. Drăghici, D. Murariu, C.-R. Stanciu, D.-C. David, and G. Osváth (2024) “Historical and current occurrences of Long‑legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus in Romania.” Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa” 67(1): 129–151.
Bliss, S., M. Leonard, Z. Crysler, and P. Taylor (2024) “Migratory behaviour of Ipswich Sparrows during spring.” Canadian Journal of Zoology 102: 788–797.
Bora, C., and P. K. Saikia (2024) “MaxEnt modelling for predicting habitat suitability and future range of Black-breasted Parrotbill (Gould, 1836) in Northeast India.” Ornis Hungarica 32(1): 31–44.
Bouhissi, M., H. A. Benhamou, A. Bekkouche, Y. Boulenouar, Z. Khacheb, and C. Abdelwahab (2024) “New distribution and breeding location of the Stock Dove Columba oenas in Algeria.” Ornis Hungarica 32: 209–221.
Bounas, A., E. Georgopoulou, V. Arkumarev, S. Liapakis, N. Samaritakis, D. Vavylis, D. Dobrev, V. Dobrev, K. Sotiropoulos, S. Xirouchakis, S. Nikolov, and V. Saravia-Mullin (no date) “Increased occurrence of Egyptian vultures in Crete: exploring movement patterns and potential for wintering.” Ethology Ecology & Evolution 1–16.
Bourbour, R. P., C. M. Aylward, T. D. Meehan, B. L. Martinico, M. E. Badger, A. M. Goodbla, A. M. Fish, T. E. Ely, C. W. Briggs, and E. M. Hull (2024) “Feeding en route: Prey availability and traits influence prey selection by an avian predator on migration.” Journal of Animal Ecology 93(9): 1176–1191.
Bouzid, A., C. Abdelwahab, and M. Lazhar (2024) “New data on the nesting of the Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana Linnaeus, 1758 in the Algerian Aures mountains.” Zoology and Ecology 34: 71–77.
Bracho-Sarcos, A. (2024) “Contribución al conocimiento de la fauna silvestre presente en la finca Los Naranjos del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje en Granada, Meta, Colombia.” Acta Zoológica Lilloana 225–235.
Brewer, D. E., T. M. Gehring, M. P. Ward, E. M. Dunton, and R. Pierce (2024) “Experimental evidence suggests that broadcasting rail calls overnight can influence broad-scale site selection by migrating rails.” Avian Conservation and Ecology 19(1): 18.
Brodie, R. E., N. J. Bayly, A. M. González, J. Hightower, J. L. Larkin, R. L. Stewart, S. Wilson, and A. M. Roth (2024) “Nonbreeding distributions of four declining Nearctic–Neotropical migrants are predicted to contract under future climate and socioeconomic scenarios.” Ornithological Applications duae032.
Brooks, W. E. (2024) “Offshore vagrancy in passerines is predicted by season, wind-drift, and species characteristics.” Movement Ecology 12(1): 64.
Buxton, R. T., E. J. Hudgins, E. Lavigne, P. J. Villeneuve, S. A. Prince, A. L. Pearson, T. Halsall, C. Robichaud, and J. R. Bennett (2024) “Mental health is positively associated with biodiversity in Canadian cities.” Communications Earth & Environment 5(1): 310.
Byrd, K. B., I. Woo, L. Hall, E. Pindilli, M. Moritsch, A. Good, S. De La Cruz, M. Davis, and G. Nakai (2024) “Birdwatching preferences reveal synergies and tradeoffs among recreation, carbon, and fisheries ecosystem services in Pacific Northwest estuaries, USA.” Ecosystem Services 69: 101656.
Cadena-Ortiz, H., P. Greenfield, L. Salagaje, D. Piñán, R. Narváez, and H. van Grouw (2024) “Black or white, color aberrations in rufous-collared sparrow Zonotrichia capensis.” Ornithology Research 32(4): 404–409.
Camerlenghi, E., G. G. Mangini, R. O. Anderson, A. Cruz-Gispert, R. Loosveld, P. Gonzáles, and S. Nolazco (2024) “Long corolla flowers in Tropical Andes favour nectar robbing by the Black Metaltail hummingbird: A study using citizen science and field observations.” Austral Ecology 49(9): e13591.
Carlen, E. J., C. O. Estien, T. Caspi, D. Perkins, B. R. Goldstein, S. E. S. Kreling, Y. Hentati, T. D. Williams, L. A. Stanton, S. Des Roches, R. F. Johnson, A. N. Young, C. B. Cooper, and C. J. Schell (2024) “A framework for contextualizing social-ecological biases in contributory science data.” People and Nature 6(2): 377–390.
Caula, S. (2024) “Actualización de los registros de aves en la provincia de Imbabura, ubicada en los Andes tropicales de Ecuador. Overview and update of bird records from the tropical Andes: Imbabura province, Ecuador.” El Hornero 39(1): 79–89.
Ceja-Madrigal, A., R. Pacheco-Muñoz, E. Pérez-Negrón, J. Pérez-Magaña, P. Rodríguez, Y. Villaseñor-Cortez, and J. Schondube (2024) “Invasion status of the African collared dove Streptopelia roseogrisea (Sundevall, 1857) in Mexico.” BioInvasions Records 13: 655–674.
Chaitanya, R., R. Naniwadekar, and S. Meiri (2024) “Why did the Hornbill not cross the river? Upland habitats rather than a physical barrier limit the distribution of the Brown Hornbill.” Journal of Biogeography 51(11): 2156–2169.
Chan, P. T., J. Arroyo-Cabrales, D. A. Prieto-Torres, and L. A. Sánchez-González (2024) “The role of ecological niche conservatism in the evolution of bird distributional patterns in Mesoamerican seasonally dry forests.” Journal of Biogeography 51(7): 1213–1229.
Chang, T., S. Cho, and K.-D. Min (2024) “Associations of Deforestation and Predator Species Richness with the Spillover Risk of Hendra Virus in Australia.” Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 10.
Chankhao, A., P. Nakmuenwai, S. Pattanakiat, S. Vongvassana, W. Suksawate, T. Kongsila, and P. Duengkae (2024) “House Sparrow Passer domesticus as an Invasive Bird in Thailand, Natural Dispersion or Introduced Species?” Ecologica Montenegrina 80: 94–105.
Chen, W., X. Wang, Y. Cai, X. Huang, P. Li, W. Liu, Q. Chang, and C. Hu (2024) “Potential distribution patterns and species richness of avifauna in rapidly urbanizing East China.” Ecology and Evolution 14(6): e11515.
Chen, W.-J., A. Chang, R.-S. Lin, and P.-F. Lee (2024) “Mapping winter waterbird biodiversity hotspots for conservation prioritization: Bridging gaps using citizen science data.” Taiwania 69: 266–274.
Christensen, M. F., and P. D. Hoff (2024) “A flexible and interpretable spatial covariance model for data on graphs.” Environmetrics 35(7): e2879.
Cissé, B., D. R. Lapen, K. Chalvet-Monfray, N. H. Ogden, and A. Ludwig (2024) “Modeling West Nile Virus transmission in birds and humans: Advantages of using a cellular automata approach.” Infectious Disease Modelling 9(1): 278–297.
Cohen, J. M., and W. Jetz (2025) “Fine-Grain Predictions Are Key to Accurately Represent Continental-Scale Biodiversity Patterns.” Global Ecology and Biogeography 34(1): e13934.
Cooper, D. A. (2024) “Northward breeding range expansion and diet of the Broad-billed Hummingbird (Cynanthus latirostris) in central Arizona.” The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 136(1): 1–6.
Cooper, J. C. (2024) “Ecological niche divergence or ecological niche partitioning in a widespread Neotropical bird lineage.” PeerJ 12(e17345).
Cordier, J. M., L. Osorio-Olvera, P. Y. Huais, A. N. Tomba, F. Villalobos, and J. Nori (2024) “Capability of big data to capture threatened vertebrate diversity in protected areas.” Conservation Biology n/a(n/a): e14371.
Craig, J. K., K. I. Siegfried, R. T. Cheshire, M. Karnauskas, and P. G. R. Jodice (2024) “Long-term trends in abundance and potential drivers for eight species of coastal birds in the U.S. South Atlantic.” Regional Studies in Marine Science 80: 103886.
Cruz, J. A., and E. L. Lindsey (2024) “Paleoclimatic reconstruction of the Late Pleistocene Talara Tar Seeps, Peru, using fossil reptiles, small mammals, and birds.” Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 638: 112032.
Danacıoğlu, Ş., and H. C. Öngül (2024) “Spatio-temporal analysis of relationship between artificial light pollution and bird observations in Turkey: a geostatistical approach.” lnternational Journal of Geography and Geography Education 159–178.
De la Cruz, A., A. Morales, Y. Korneeva, and M. Castro (2024) “Analysing citizen science data to address the demographic expansion of the Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica) in southern Spain.” Journal of Ornithology 1–9.
De la Cruz, A., and C. Numa (2024) “Habitat availability decline for waterbirds in a sensitive wetland: Climate change impact on the Ebro Delta.” Ecological Modelling 498: 110896.
Dean, L. S., C. Vázquez-González, S. Hellwitz, L. Abdala-Roberts, and K. A. Mooney (2024) “Decomposing an elevational gradient in predation by insectivorous birds.” Ecosphere 15(2): e4790.
Della Rocca, F., M. Musiani, M. Galaverni, and P. Milanesi (2024) “Improving Online Citizen Science Platforms for Biodiversity Monitoring.” Journal of Biogeography 51(12): 2412–2423.
DeRaad, D. A. et al. (2024) “On the brink of explosion? Identifying the source and potential spread of introduced Zosterops white-eyes in North America.” Biological Invasions 26(5): 1615–1639.
Díaz-Vallejo, M., A. Peña-Peniche, C. Mota-Vargas, J. Piña-Torres, D. Valencia-Rodríguez, C. E. Rangel-Rivera, J. Gaviria-Hernández, and O. Rojas-Soto (2024) “Analyses of the variable selection using correlation methods: An approach to the importance of statistical inferences in the modelling process.” Ecological Modelling 498: 110893.
Dixon, A. L., A. R. S. Oliveira, L. W. Cohnstaedt, D. Mitzel, C. Mire, and N. Cernicchiaro (2024) “Revisiting the risk of introduction of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) into the United States – An updated semi-quantitative risk assessment.” One Health 19: 100879.
Dobson, R., S. G. Willis, S. Jennings, R. A. Cheke, A. J. Challinor, and M. Dallimer (2024) “Near-Term Forecasting of Terrestrial Mobile Species Distributions for Adaptive Management Under Extreme Weather Events.” Global Change Biology 30(11): e17579.
Donlan, C. J., D. Eusse-González, G. M. Luque, M. E. Reiter, V. Ruiz-Gutierrez, M. C. Allen, R. Johnston-González, O. J. Robinson, G. Fernández, E. Palacios, and J. Valenzuela (2024) “An impact evaluation of conservation investments targeting long-distance migratory species.” Conservation Biology 38(3): e14194.
Dougherty, P. J., and M. D. Carling (2024) “Go west, young bunting: recent climate change drives rapid movement of a Great Plains hybrid zone.” Evolution 78(11): 1774–1789.
Du, Y., X. Wang, S. Ashraf, W. Tu, Y. Xi, R. Cui, S. Chen, J. Yu, L. Han, S. Gu, Y. Qu, and X. Liu (2024) “Climate match is key to predict range expansion of the world’s worst invasive terrestrial vertebrates.” Global Change Biology 30(1): e17137.
Duan, H., and X. Yu (2024) “Spatial and temporal changes in shorebird habitats under different land use scenarios along the Yellow and Bohai Sea coasts in China.” Science of The Total Environment 929: 172443.
Ducay, R. L., and B. S. Pease (2024a) “High-pass filters do not consistently strengthen associations between acoustic indices and avian species richness.” Ecological Indicators 169: 112922.
Ducay, R. L., and B. S. Pease (2024b) “The impact of vehicular noise on acoustic indices within simulated bird assemblage soundscapes.” Bioacoustics 33(2): 203–220.
Echeverri, A., N. M. Batista, S. Wolny, G. A. Herrera-R, F. Andrade-Rivas, A. Bailey, A. Cardenas-Navarrete, A. Dávila Arenas, A. F. Díaz-Salazar, K. V. Hernandez, K. E. Langhans, B. E. Mateus-Aguilar, D. Levey, A. Neill, O. Nguyen, A. F. Suárez-Castro, F. Zapata, and N. Ocampo-Peñuela (2024) “Toward Sustainable Biocultural Ecotourism: An Integrated Spatial Analysis of Cultural and Biodiversity Richness in Colombia.” People and Nature n/a(n/a).
Edwards, B. P., and A. D. Binley (2024) “Evidence for a possible range expansion of White-fronted Bee-eater Merops bullockoides into the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces, South Africa.” Biodiversity Observations 14: 27–34.
Egger, R., T. Härtel, and C. Randler (2024) “Bird Species Knowledge and Its Antecedents in US High School Students—A Case Study from Michigan.” Birds 5(2): 265–277.
El Alaoui, O., and A. Idri (2024a) “An Empirical Evaluation of Ensemble Strategies in Habitat Suitability Modeling.” SN Computer Science 5(5): 501.
El Alaoui, O., and A. Idri (2024b) “Habitat Suitability Assessment of Three Passerine Birds Using Ensemble Learning with Diverse Models.” in Rocha, Á., Adeli, H., Dzemyda, G., Moreira, F., and Poniszewska-Marańda, A. (eds) Good Practices and New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland 191–201.
Elliott, L., J. Vogeler, J. Holbrook, B. Barry, and K. Vierling (2024) “Assessing GEDI data fusions to map woodpecker distributions and biodiversity hotspots.” Environmental Research Letters 19.
Ellis, K. S., M. J. Anteau, G. J. MacDonald, M. M. Ring, M. H. Sherfy, R. J. Swift, and D. L. Toy (2024) “Assessing trade-offs in developing a landscape-scale nest monitoring programme for a threatened shorebird.” Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5(1): e12308.
Esperon-Rodriguez, M., A. Correa-Metrio, L. J. Beaumont, J. B. Baumgartner, and J. Lenoir (2024) “Evaluating the impact of protected areas in lowering extinction risks in a biodiversity hotspot.” Biological Conservation 297: 110728.
Estien, C. O., E. J. Carlen, and C. J. Schell (2024) “Examining the influence of sociodemographics, residential segregation, and historical redlining on eBird and iNaturalist data disparities in three U.S. cities.” Ecology and Society 29(3).
Fei, D., L. Ming-Zhang, B. Hong-Liang, Y. Le, and L. Sheng (2024) “Effects of urbanization on bird community composition and functional traits: A case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region.” Biodiversity Science 32(8): 23473.
Felappi, J. F., J. H. Sommer, T. Falkenberg, W. Terlau, and T. Kötter (2024) “Urban park qualities driving visitors mental well-being and wildlife conservation in a Neotropical megacity.” Scientific Reports 14(1): 4856.
Filazzola, A., M. T. J. Johnson, K. Barrett, S. Hayes, N. Shrestha, L. Timms, and J. S. MacIvor (2024) “The great urban shift: Climate change is predicted to drive mass species turnover in cities.” PLOS ONE 19(3): e0299217.
Folfas, E., D. L. Mahler, and L. O. Frishkoff (2024) “Climate, predation, and the controls of island lizard abundance and community structure.” Ecosphere 15(11): e70053.
Forti, L. R., A. M. P. R. da S. Passetti, T. Oliveira, K. Freitas, G. de F. Costa, J. V. de Lima Maia, A. Queiros, M. A. D. F. Lopes, and J. K. Szabo (2024) “Stronger together: different community science platforms all contribute to wildlife research.” Wildlife Research 51(8).
Forti, L. R., A. Passetti, T. Oliveira, J. Lima, A. Queiros, M. A. D. F. Lopes, and J. K. Szabo (2024) “Declining representation of imperiled Atlantic Forest birds in community-science datasets.” Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 22(3): 277–287.
Freeman, B. G., E. T. Miller, and M. Strimas-Mackey (2024) “Interspecific competition shapes bird species’ distributions along tropical precipitation gradients.” Ecology Letters 27(8): e14487.
Freile, J. F., P. Tito, J. M. Loaiza-Bosmediano, and E. Bonaccorso (2024) “Exploring the contact zones between Ecuadorian Hillstar (Oreotrochilus chimborazo) subspecies.” The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 136(2): 123–133.
Frolov, I. G. (2024) “Recent Avifaunistic Analysis in the Floodplains of the Kara Yertis (black Irtysh) and Yertis River in the Pavlodar Region.” Experimental Biology 98.
Fu, S.-W., M.-C. Feng, P.-W. Chi, and T.-S. Ding (2024) “Combining citizen science data and literature to build a traits dataset of Taiwan’s birds.” Scientific Data 11(1): 1076.
Gábor, L., J. Cohen, V. Moudrý, and W. Jetz (2024) “Assessing the applicability of binary land-cover variables to species distribution models across multiple grains.” Landscape Ecology 39(3): 66.
Galen, S. C., E. Ostrow, S. Ray, M. Henry, J. Dispoto, A. Fetterman, L. Kiziuk, and J. D. Weckstein (2024) “Migratory birds have a distinct haemosporidian community and are temporally decoupled from vector abundance at a stopover site.” Parasitology. 2024/11/11 edn 1–10.
Galindo-Cruz, A., F. J. Sahagún-Sánchez, F. López-Barrera, and O. Rojas-Soto (2024) “Recent changes in tropical-dry-forest connectivity within the Balsas Basin Biogeographic Province: potential effects on endemic-bird distributions.” Nature Conservation 55: 177–199.
Gallardo, B., S. Bacher, A. M. Barbosa, L. Gallien, P. González-Moreno, V. Martínez-Bolea, C. Sorte, G. Vimercati, and M. Vilà (2024) “Risks posed by invasive species to the provision of ecosystem services in Europe.” Nature Communications 15(1): 2631.
Gao, L., and C. Mi (2024) “Double jeopardy: global change and interspecies competition threaten Siberian cranes.” PeerJ 12: e17029.
Garcia, N., J. C. Campos, D. Silva, J. Alírio, L. B. Duarte, S. Arenas-Castro, I. Pôças, A. Loureiro, A. C. Teodoro, and N. Sillero (2024) “Biodiversity dataset and atlas of the special area of conservation Montesinho/Nogueira, Portugal.” Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e118854.
Gaston, A. J. (2024) “Changes in the avifauna of the Delhi Ridge: comparing 1971–1974 with 2018–2022.” Indian BIRDS 20(1): 9–17.
Gaston, A. J., M. Maftei, and S. A. Pastran (2024) “Autumn marine bird populations in Queen Charlotte Strait and adjacent waters: a candidate for IBA/KBA status.” Marine Ornithology 52(1): 1–15.
Gaya, H. E., and A. C. Ketz (2024) “Comparison of WAIC and posterior predictive approaches for N-mixture models.” Scientific Reports 14(1): 15743.
Geary, B., L. Williams, C. R. Long, R. M. Tyl, and R. B. Gagne (2024) “Christmas Bird Count data are a reliable harvest-independent index for Ruffed Grouse monitoring in the eastern United States.” Ornithological Applications 126(3): duae011.
Geng, X., J. Summers, and N. Chen (2024) “Ecological niche contributes to the persistence of the Western × Glaucous-winged Gull hybrid zone.” Ecology and Evolution 14(7): e11678.
Ghosh, S., B. Matthews, and O. L. Petchey (2024) “Temperature and biodiversity influence community stability differently in birds and fishes.” Nature Ecology & Evolution 8(10): 1835–1846.
Gilbert, N. A., S. R. Kolbe, H. N. Eyster, and A. R. Grinde (2024) “Can internal range structure predict range shifts?.” Journal of Animal Ecology 93(10): 1556–1566.
Gilliland, T. E. (2024) “The declaration of a new small-range species increases wildlife tourism.” Biological Conservation 296: 110712.
Gillings, M. M., R. Ton, T. Harris, J. P. Swaddle, M. P. Taylor, and S. C. Griffith (2024) “House Sparrows as Sentinels of Childhood Lead Exposure.” Environmental Science & Technology 58(23): 10028–10040.
Gimeno, M., J. Giménez, A. Chiaradia, L. S. Davis, P. J. Seddon, Y. Ropert-Coudert, R. R. Reisinger, M. Coll, and F. Ramírez (2024) “Climate and human stressors on global penguin hotspots: Current assessments for future conservation.” Global Change Biology 30(1): e17143.
Gimeno, M., L. Rossell, L. Julià, J. Giménez, C. Sanpera, M. Coll, P. Bustamante, and F. Ramírez (2024) “Assessing mercury contamination in Southern Hemisphere marine ecosystems: The role of penguins as effective bioindicators.” Environmental Pollution 343: 123159.
Godoy, I. N., F. C. Gorleri, M. A. Cristaldi, and L. M. Leveau (2024) “Species Richness and Composition of Forest Birds in Urban Parks and Reserves of Buenos Aires City, Argentina.” Animals 14(4).
Goldstein, B. R., B. J. Furnas, K. L. Calhoun, A. E. Larsen, D. S. Karp, and P. de Valpine (2024) “Drought influences habitat associations and abundances of birds in California’s Central Valley.” Diversity and Distributions 30(5): e13827.
Gómez-Bahamón, V., J. D. Femayor-Pérez, R. Durán, S. J. Monroy-García, N. Gutiérrez, D. R. Caro-R, K. J. Kardynal, D. P. L. Toews, and N. Bayly (2024) “Ephemeral river islands serve as roosting and foraging habitat for boreal and austral migratory songbirds.” Ecology 105(11): e4432.
González-Moreno, P. et al. (2024) “Citizen science platforms can effectively support early detection of invasive alien species according to species traits.” People and Nature n/a(n/a).
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La Sorte, F. A., W. M. Hochachka, A. Farnsworth, A. A. Dhondt and D. Sheldon (2016). “The implications of mid-latitude climate extremes for North American migratory bird populations.” Ecosphere 7(3): e01261.
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La Sorte, F. A., W. M. Hochachka, A. Farnsworth, D. Sheldon, B. M. Van Doren, D. Fink and S. Kelling (2015). “Seasonal changes in the altitudinal distribution of nocturnally migrating birds during autumn migration.” Royal Society Open Science 2(12): 150347.
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Cruickshank, I., and R. Melcer Jr. 2010. Observation of a Red-shouldered Hawk on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, during fall migration. British Columbia Birds 20.
Fitzpatrick, J.W., F. Gill, M. Powers, J.V. Wells, and K.V. Rosenberg. 2002. Introducing eBird: The Union of Passion and Purpose. North American Birds 56:2 11-12.
Green, P, C. Wood, and B.L. Sullivan. 2005. Results Flood in to the Great Backyard Bird Count. BirdScope 19:2 8-9.
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McLaren, I.A., and J.D. McLaren. 2009. An analysis of unusual flights of neotropical migrants to northeastern North America in April 2009. North American Birds 63:3 364-368.
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Sullivan, B.L. 2006. More than memories: From your backyard to places across North America, eBird keeps track of sightings. BirdScope 20:1 20.
Sullivan, B.L. 2008. eBird and the Evolution of a Birder. Birding 40:1 48-52.
Sullivan, B.L. 2009. Window into change–Fall migration reveals differences in bird distribution and abundance. WildBird 23:6 10-12.
Sullivan, B.L. 2011. The Road Less Traveled: Look for birds in unfamiliar and unlikely places to discover surprises. WildBird 25:2 16-19.
Young, M.A. 2010. Type 5 Red Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) in New York: first confirmation east of the Rocky Mountains. North American Birds 64:2 343-346.
In addition, eBird data has been used quarterly since at least 2007 by up to 33 different North American Birds regional editors in the compilation of those articles summarizing regional bird occurrence across North America as well as dozens of other journals at the county, state, provincial, and country level globally. These are not cited specifically.